In connection with the liturgy there is the Eucharist. It is delivered every Sunday and public holiday.
Parts of the liturgy:
1. Proscomides
The word means performance. In the early days of the Church and still in some countries, people brought bread and wine for communion. What was left over was distributed in return for the liturgy after the church people.
Today, proscomide refers to that part of the liturgy in which the priest prepares the sacraments for consecration on the altar at the side table behind the iconostasis.
The communion bread is raised wheat bread. The dough is made into small round breads, of which the priest takes parts with a knife for supper. The remaining pieces form an antidora, or pieces of church bread, which are distributed to the church people after the liturgy.
2. Liturgy of the taught
At the time of the early church, those people who had not yet been baptized were allowed to participate in this part of the liturgy in order to learn Christian teaching.
This part includes a small escort, in which the priest carries a gospel book from the altar in front of the iconostasis and from there back to the altar. A burning candle is carried before the priest to express the light of the gospel given in Jesus.
The epistles and gospel of the day are used as reading texts. The priest's sermon is related to today's gospel text. Prayers are read on behalf of those being taught, believers, the sick, and the deceased. In this ectenia, the choir sings between each prayer the Lord have mercy or Give the Lord.

3. The liturgy of believers
This section begins with a cherub hymn sung jointly by the congregation, during which there is great accompaniment. The priest carries the sacrament from the side table of the altar through the church hall to be consecrated on the altar table. Then the people of the church sing together the creed, followed by the holiest part of the liturgy, the Eucharist, or the sacrifice of thanksgiving. The priest prays that the Holy Spirit will invisibly turn bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ. The clergy enjoy supper at the altar, after which the church people receive it in the church hall. The bread and wine are mixed together and distributed with a spoon. Finally, according to the Russian tradition we have, we are divided pieces of church bread and drink wine mixed with water. At the end of the liturgy, the church people kiss the hand of the priest.

Church bread
ICXP = Christ Monogram
NIKA = He wins
= Service provided on the evening before Sunday or public holiday
The purpose of the Vigilia is to act as a connecting bridge to the liturgy to be celebrated the following day.
Parts of Vigilia
1. Conditional service
The content of the conditional ministry is a description of the creation of the world, the Fall, and the anticipation of Jesus' second coming. The creation of the world depicts the incense of a priest at the altar. The Spirit of God moved on the waters before the world was created.
A beautiful condition is included in this part of the vigil. The song is inherited from the martyrdom of the church.
Finally, the priest makes an intercession on behalf of all who need help. He then blesses five loaves, wheat grains, a cup of oil, and a cup of wine on a table in the center of the church. This is a reminder of the time of the early church, when Vigilia could last all night and then the congregation sometimes had to eat.
2. Morning service
When the loaves are blessed, the lights of the church are turned off, the reader continues reading the hexapsalms (six psalms)
The lights are turned on and begins the section depicting the Savior's resurrection. It is reflected in the Gospel texts, incense, which symbolizes purification and prayer. The church goes to kiss the Gospel with an icon of the resurrection of Christ. The priest in the queue blesses those who come to him with a cross sign.
3. The first moment
The first moment is the concluding part of the vigil. The lights are turned off and psalms and prayers related to the Sunday liturgy are read. Finally, the song is sung to the victorious Mother of God, the victorious leader of the army ..... The origin of the song is thanks to the people of Constantinople for salvation from the conquerors