The Quran is recited in an Istanbul mosque.

Quran reading stand

Turkish 17th century hand copied Quran
The Quran comes from the Arabic word qur ´an, which means reading. According to Islam, the original Qur’an is with Allah in heaven. The Qur’an received by Muhammad’s angel through Gabriel is a copy of this heavenly Qur’an and therefore contains the eternal and unmistakable truth. Only the Arabic Qur'ans are authentic, the translations are for interpretation only.
Today, a large proportion of Muslims do not speak Arabic. For this reason, a vernacular translation is printed on the Qur’an next to the Arabic text, which the Muslim views as an interpretation.
Did Muhammad himself record anything of his apparitions? Did the prophet know how to write? Scholars consider it possible that as early as the Mecca period, apparitions were recorded, but during the Medina period, Muhammad certainly already had secretaries who recorded the apparitions in written form. According to Western scholars, the texts of the Qur'an was brought together about 100 years after Muhammad’s death, others date the collection as early as 30-40 years after Muhammad’s death.
The Prophet is referred to in the Qur'an as "ummi," which is understood to mean "belonging to a people who have not read scriptures ", which is the opposite of Jewish scribes. However, the Islamic tradition wants to consider Muhammad illiterate and thereby emphasize the inimitability of the Qur'an. (Hämeen-Anttila: Introduction to the Qur'an pp.77-78)
Use and significance
When a Muslim takes the Qur’an in his hand, he bends down to kiss it and only then begins reading it.
The Qur'an is read by recitation in mosques, at the time of marriage, at funerals and in private worship. In court the oath is sworn by the hand of the Qur’an because of it is Muslim morality and the basis of the social way of life. It builds the identity of every Muslim and creates a connection between all Muslims around the world.
The Qur’an defines how a Muslim should treat other religions: Jews and Christians have a special position because they are also the "peoples of the Book," they are dhim, protected.
The Quran is considered to bring happiness home as an object alone. A dusty Quran at home brings shame Quranic phrases in amulets swinging cars bringing passengers safety.
Koraanissa määritellään , miten muslimin tulee suhtautua muihin uskontoihin: Juutalaiset ja kristityt ovat erikoisasemassa, sillä he ovat myös "Kirjan kansoja", he ovat dhimmejä, suojeltuja.
Koraanin katsotaan tuovan jo pelkästään esineenä onnea kotiin. Kotona pölyttynyt Koraani tuo häpeää Koraanin lauseet amuleteissa heiluvat autoissa tuomassa matkalaisille turvaa