The earliest Bible texts are written on the papyrus. This writing material was used for a total of 4,000 years.
Papyrus continues to grow somewhat in Egypt, on the banks of the northern Nile. In ancient Egypt, it was widely used as a useful plant. Houses were obtained from it and boat building material, carpets, sandals, baskets. Inflorescences could be used to decorate homes, temples, and graves. Drugs were taken from the core of the stem. The rhizome was used as food.
In ancient Egypt, the export of Papyrus was the exclusive right of the state. The first information about the manufacture of Papyrus is yet to come from 22-29 AD.
Manufacture of papyrus
After the plant was removed from the water, the bark was removed. The core portion of the stem was cut vertically into thin strips about 2 cm wide, placed on a smooth surface side by side. The second layer of strips was placed transversely on top of the previous ones. The strips were then beaten with a mallet and rolled dry. No glue was needed in the manufacture because the core of Papyrus contained the glue itself.
The sheets could be joined together by gluing the sides. In this way, papyrus scrolls up to 40 meters long could be made. The text was written on the inside of the scroll because there the strips were horizontal.
Even today, papyrus is still made in Egypt, mainly only for tourists as a sample and souvenir.
Used as text source: Marjatta Lassigin writing in Helsingin Sanomat on 19 November. 1983
Papyruksen valmistus

Kun kasvi oli irrotettu vedestä ,siitä poistettiin kuori. Varren ydinosa leikattiin pystysuoraan ohuiksi noin 2 cm levyisiksi suikaleiksi, jotka asetettiin sileälle alustalla vierekkäin. Toinen kerros suikaleita asetettiin poikittain edellisten päälle. Tämän jälkeen suikaleita hakattiin nuijalla ja kaulittiin kuivaksi. Valmistuksessa ei tarvittu lainkaan liimaa, koska papyruksen ydin sisälsi itse liimaavaa ainetta.

Arkit voitiin liittää toisiinsa sivuista liimaamalla. Tällä tavoin voitiin tehdä jopa 40 metriä pitkiä papyruskääröjä. Teksti kirjoitettiin käärön sisäpinnalle, koska siellä suikaleet olivat vaakasuorassa.
Nykyäänkin Egyptissä valmistetaan vielä papyrusta, lähinnä vain turisteille näytteeksi ja matkamuistoiksi.
Tekstilähteenä käytetty: Marjatta Lassigin kirjoitusta Helsingin Sanomissa 19.11. 1983