Sabbath background
(Exodus 20: 8-11)
"Remember to keep the Sabbath day holy. Six days to work and do all your duties,
but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. Then thou shalt do no work, neither thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy slave, nor thy maidservant, nor thy master, nor any stranger that dwelleth in thy city.
For in six days the LORD made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is, but rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. "
The need for a day of rest once a week is justified by the rest of God after His work of creation. Sabbath observance is included in the Ten Commandments.
Commandment 3: HOLY HOLIDAY
For the Jews, the Sabbath also marks the day when they were freed from slavery in Egypt.

In the picture, a man checks the clock that the Sabbath has begun. Sometimes the men go to the synagogue for a short worship and then return to the Sabbath meal.
Sabbath observance
The Sabbath is a weekly celebration of both the home and the synagogue. It starts on Friday night at 6pm and ends on Saturday at sunset (6pm)
Before the Sabbath begins, the mother of the family has prepared a Sabbath meal and lit at least two candles. The family gathers around the table and the mother reads the Sabbath prayer in front of the candles and waves her hand, which is interpreted as spreading the Sabbath peace in the house. The father of the family blesses bread and wine.
You must not do any work on the Sabbath. Watching TV, using the phone, using electricity (equivalent to lighting a fire), driving a car, doing gardening, tearing, writing, etc. are prohibited.
The intention is for the family to spend time together at home and study the Torah.
At the end of the Sabbath, the Havdala prayer is read, the remnant of which is separated from the beginning of everyday life.
Shabat Shalom sabbath peace!

Sabbath breads