The account of Siddhartha Gautama’s life could begin as the fairy tales begin, once a prince. Siddhartha’s life begins in North India in the small town of Kapilavastu in the Kingdom of Sakya. Actually, according to the mythical account of his birth, he was born in the grove of Lumbini, because according to the custom of time, the birth should have taken place in the mother’s hometown, which was the land of Kolya. Father King Suddhodana had sent his wife to his former home to give birth. Queen wanted to stop in the Lumbin grove on the way admiring the flowers and trees.

As usual, the birth of great religious leaders is associated with unusual conception. A white elephant had invaded the queen in a dream and nine months after that the birth took place. According to reports, the mother died after seven days, for the woman who has given birth to the Buddha / enlightened has no other purpose in her life.
After studying the birthmarks of the prince's body, they concluded, "The prince has two possibilities. He will become a great secular ruler or a great religious leader who will conquer the whole world." He would become a religious leader, a holy man (saddhu), if he saw people in four different states: the elderly, the sick, the dead, and the saddhu.
The king decided to build high walls around his castle so that the boy could not face the real world. he tried to entertain Siddhartha by all possible means. Pets were acquired for the castle to little Siddharha. He was deeply attached to his horse Kanthakaan. As the prince grew into a young man, the castle was celebrated with fun. The father built various Palaces for his son for the winter and summer. The beautiful Siddharthan cousin, Princess Yasodhara, was chosen as the spouse
However, despite this fun and comfortable life, Siddhartha was not happy, he was bored within the safe walls. He asked his personal servant Channel to take him to town. The encounter with the predictors inevitably took place
The prince's carriages were pulled by magnificent white horses. When Siddhartha saw the sick man sitting on the ground, he wondered to his servant about a suffering-looking person. The servant explained the strange sight: "Here is a sick man, not a stranger." Siddhartha asked if the illness was very common, to which the servant replied that it was. "But I guess I can't get sick?" asked Siddhartha. "Yes you can too," Channa replied.
The same questions were repeated for the elderly and the deceased. Siddharha was shocked to see now, for the first time in his life, suffering from human faces. The world was thus full of suffering from which his father had desired to be spared.
When they encountered the fourth omen: the holy man / saddhu, Siddhartha saw deep peace from him even though he was in the midst of suffering.
Siddhartha still returned to the castle, but realized that he could not get there to understand why there was so much suffering in the real world. When he had decided to leave, he was told that he had become the father of a little boy. This, too, did not cause him to revoke his decision to leave. "If I can figure out where the world's suffering is coming from, I find it much more beneficial to my father, my son, and the whole world." Only by finding out the cause of the suffering can it be eliminated. Just as your doctor needs to find out the cause of your disease, only then can it be cured
Siddhartha asked Chana to harness her beloved horse for the trip to Kanthaga. He wanted to find the saddhut in his hands and ask them for guidance on how suffering can be removed from the world where the suffering comes from. He wanted far from the castle, where no one could know him anymore. When they were far enough
Siddhartha cut the magnificent prince's hair with one flick of his sword, handed his braid and fine clothes to Chana, who would have liked to follow his master still forward. Siddhartha did not give permission for that. When the moment of separation had come, his beloved horse also understood and felt the sadness of the situation. Then Kanthaka is also said to have shed tears.
Siddhartha turned and left them to return to the castle. He himself set out in search of saddhas from whom he could seek advice on his questions.
Siddhartha found a saddhu in the forest. These men believed that they would attain the state of universal consciousness enlightenment, asceticism with the technique of giving up all sensory pleasures. They did not eat, drank and did not sleep properly. They even tortured their bodies with various methods.
Siddhartha followed their advice for several years, but found no way to enlightenment. He lost weight skeletally and was about to die. Now he realized that this was not his way, so he could not find a state of universal consciousness, could not solve the mystery of suffering. He left the saddhut.
Siddhartha decided to do an experiment to see if his abandonment of ascetic life had been right. He went to the bank of the river, ate a meal from a shepherd girl's meal, washed the cup, and let it flow into the stream. If the cup turned upstream, his solution would be right. The cup flew straight towards the counter-current vortices. The solution was right.
Siddhartha sat under a bodhi tree, in present-day Bodh Gaya, in a meditative position and turned his gaze east. According to some descriptions he spent seven days in this ever-deepening trance state, where his mind faced temptations similar to what Jesus is said to have been in the wilderness. He attained a state of universal consciousness, enlightened, became a Buddha. He knew he no longer needed to be reborn into this world. He was 35 years old and knew where the suffering of the world came from and how it could be removed.
The Buddha had realized that no extremes in human life were good for him: he had experienced extreme wealth as a prince and extreme poverty as a hermit, asceticism, and living in pleasures. Medium and moderation was, according to his new insight, the best.
He set out to spread these new discoveries ahead. His first students were his five hermit friends. They, too, renounced asceticism and joined the company of the Buddha. He gave them his first teaching sermon at the Deer Park in Saranath outside Varanas, which has been called the "wheel of doctrine." The first Buddhist monastic community — the sangha- was born.
The Buddha toured all over India to teach and the number of those who joined the sangha grew. Women were also accepted as members of the sangha, for the Buddha acknowledged that they too could attain enlightenment when they were taught. His teaching work lasted about 45 years
When he was over eighty, he felt his strength run out. That's when he asked his students to come in. They prepared for his unhappy master by a year. The last words of the Buddha were, "He who has taken shape must be scattered again.
-Prize honestly (to achieve perfection). "
The Buddha moved to nirvana.
The students burned his body and divided the ashes into eight parts, which are kept in the buildings built for them. in buildings, stupas or pagodas..Unfortunately none of these original buildings have survived.