RELIGION (Shahada)
“There is no God but God (Allah) and Muhammad is His Messenger "
The first sentence defines Islam as a monotheistic religion. Muslims do not accept the doctrine of the Trinity of Christianity. The second paragraph defines Muhammad’s relationship with God: Muhammad has been given a mission by God to be his messenger. Thus also behind Muhammad’s message is the highest possible authority.
When someone wants to convert to Muslim, he has to testify in the presence of two witnesses confession gladly in Arabic "La illaha illa llah wa-Muhammadu rasulu llah" Delivery usually takes place in a mosque. When a child is born into a family, the father whispers the creed in the child’s ear. The same is done when a person dies.

PRAYER (Salad)
A Muslim prays five times a day. The call to prayer is shouted from the minaret next to the muezzi mosque. Today, the muezzin no longer climbs the minaret but the invitation comes from the recording. Prayer can also take place in homes at work or outdoors. If a Muslim is prevented from praying on time, he can postpone his prayer to a later date. In the mosque, men and women pray separately. Men are at the front of the mosque and women at the back or on the balcony. Prayer is led by an imam. Friday noon prayer time in mosques is the most important prayer time of the week.

The poor do not have to participate in the payment of the Almuver tax, they are the recipients of financial support from the community. The tax can also be used for the benefit of the whole community if it has, for example, joint projects, such as the construction of a new mosque. The tax is paid once a year on the property that each person has accumulated during the year and has not touched on it. Different types of assets are taxed at different rates, usually 2.5%.
A Muslim can pay and support other charities in addition to the alms tax, and such activities are considered very meritorious, but they are not exempt from the alms tax.
In general, the Muslim relationship to wealth is appreciated if it is earned by honest means. Wealth is not kept hidden but can be rejoice openly.
Paying an alms tax has always brought Muslims into a community where the weak are cared for.
PASTA (saum)
Ramadan is the month of fasting. During this month, the Qur'an was transmitted to Muhammad. Because Muslims use the lunar year, the 33-year period passes through all the seasons of Ramadan. The Qur'an is given in 2: 179-183 instructions for fasting.
During this month do not eat or drink, have sex or smoke tobacco between sunrise and sunset. All this is allowed only when it is no longer possible to separate the black and white threads.
Fasting does not apply to children, the elderly, the sick, pregnant women and not travelers
During Lent, Muslims are expected to focus on spiritual things: prayer, reading the Qur’an, charity, and kindness to their fellowmen.
Fasting ends with the month of Ramadan following the shawwal month. The first three days of it celebrate the celebration of the end of fasting, id al-Fitr. In this case, dress up in new clothes, give children gifts and eat well with family and friends.

Pilgrimage (Hajj)
It is the duty of every Muslim once in his life to make a pilgrimage to the holy places of Islam: Mecca and often also Medina. If he has no assets in it or the family would suffer financially from it, it is not required.
A pilgrimage can be done by someone else to perform on their behalf. A pilgrimage can also be done on behalf of a deceased person.
A pilgrim costume (ihram) is worn for the pilgrimage. It is a white two-piece seamless garment. One covers the shoulders of the other pelvis. The head is not allowed to hold anything. Sandals may be worn. Uniform does not distinguish between rich and poor. On a pilgrimage, everyone is equal.
The pilgrimage must always be carried out in a given month and according to strict rules. The main destination is the Kaaba Temple in Mecca. First, the Kaaba temple is rotated seven times counterclockwise and an attempt is made to get to kiss the black stone. This is followed by drinking the water from the Zamzam well, which many also want to take with them as a memorial to the pilgrimage, as it is believed to work wonders.
Then follows the run between the two hills of Safa and Merwa. Pilgrims spend the night in tents in the village of Mina. From there they head to Arafat, Mount Grace, where they are until sunset. From here they leave for Muzdalifa, where they are again stay here They collect 70 or 49 a small stone with which they stone the stones representing the devil in Mina. It is here that people’s emotions erupt and as a result they cause chaos around them, causing many to lose their lives as they tread on the feet of others.
This is where the pilgrimage ends. Later, sacrificial animals are slaughtered there, the meat of which is distributed to the poor. The same delivery will be made on the same day around the Muslim world.
A person who has successfully made a pilgrimage to Mecca is called a hadji . He can paint the Kaaba temple on the wall of his house.

Pilgrim's outfit

The Kaaba Temple in Mecca

The mural tells the story of a successful pilgrimage